Think Tank
-return to Think Tank notes-
Production Overview:
It is our job to re-discover Benjamin's original concept and intention with The Menhunes and then give it focus and definition in writer's terms.
Distill and simpify concepts into their most basic components without becoming distracted by anecdotal details.
Benjamin has written an epic novel and movie.
We are adapting and simplifying his story and characters to fit into the repeatable format of weekly serial episodes for TV.
We are developing the simplified serial version so we can sell the concept to an existing experienced studio for unlimited future production.
This includes foresight of marketing associated licensed products.
The purpose of distilling The Menehunes to the serial format with associated products is to create a cash cow which is of interest to a major production studio so there will be the money and expertise to produce Benjamin's original epic movie.
Creator, Benjamin Lucas & conceptual artist, Anton Uhl
5 Menehunes Think Tank
There are 32 recorded video conferences in our development library.
- Manifesting The Menehunes
The goals with The Menhunes as an animated series for TV and film is something we can accomplish.
Focus Thought.
- Focus Energy.
- Focus Action.
Stay on track.
Maintain the vision of the reality of success with The Menehunes.
Adaptations to Benjamin's original concept should be improvements which are suited to the serial TV format, for quick visual communication and which move the story forward as a whole.
If something doesn't contribute to these qualities, drop it, no matter how clever it seems.
How much freedom will Benjamin give us to:
Adapt his characters to a saleable format?
Adapt episode stories to a saleable format?
License products? (What type of products?)
- Structure
Basic story action:
ie. "improving our world"
Basic them:
ie. "use your senses"
- Underlying theme:
ie. "you have more potential (greater powers and abilities) than you ever thought"
ie. "funny little Gurus"
Who, What, When, Where, Why
ie. "What do they want and why can't they have it?"
The pristine world is being threatened by greedy developers
What is our WOW factor?
Magic and astounding natural beauty
Over deliver!
make us want to be there (again and again)
Stay On Track:
What is the fundamental, repeatable context of the show?
Define a specific timeline/deadline for this pre-production work.
Define Settings and the purpose of chosing those settings.
Wow Factor. Make settings someplace we want to be!
Define characters relative to themselves.
Define characters relative to each other.
- How do humans interact with other humans? (How, When, Why)
- How do humans interact with Menehunes? (How,When, Why)
When are we real? When are we cartoon-flexible? (think Roger Rabbit, Wiley Coyote)
- Who can see the Menehunes?
(How, When, Why)
Why do characters transform?
When do characters transform?
What triggers the transformations?
Do they have complete control of when they transform?
How do Characters transform? (action)